Retail Cost: pre-order from Ancestry.com
Latest news and information:
– 12 November 2010 – Family Tree Maker 2011 Service Pack 1
– 12 August 2010 – Family Tree Maker 2011 – Pre-Orders
System Requirements:
Operating system (OS): Windows 7 / Windows XP / Vista
CPU/Processor: 500 MHz Intel Pentium II (or equivalent)
Hard drive space: 500 MB for installation
Memory/RAM: 512 MB of RAM
Also: 2x CD-ROM, Display with 800×600 resolution
System Recommendations:
CPU/Processor: 1GHz Intel Pentium III (or better)
Memory/RAM: 1 GB of RAM
Also: 32x CD/CDR, Display with 1024×768 resolution
Internet access: for online functionality
* Features a tight integration with Ancestry.com Subscription if you have an Ancestry.com membership. Appears to be more comprehensive than previous versions
* No word on integration with Ancestry.com Tree-to-Go (MobileGenealogy.com) or whether a different app will be written for iPhone/iPad to sync up with it.
* No word on different versions coming out (deluxe, etc.).
* Other than what’s listed below, no idea on other differences between Family Tree Maker 2010 and 2011.
New and/or enhanced features over Family Tree Maker 2010:
* Smart Stories™ – Just drag and drop facts from your tree to the new Smart Stories page. Each time you edit your tree, stories update automatically.
* New and improved charts – Enhance your charts with new backgrounds, borders, and embellishments. Create four new designs, including a 360 degree fan chart.
* Refined reports – Save and reuse report settings and use 5 new report styles.
* Media management tools – Locate missing media items with the click of the mouse.
* More Ancestry integration – Find out which Ancestry members are searching for your ancestors in the expanded Web Dashboard.
* Better performance – Upload and download trees from the Internet with increased speed.
* Numbering – Automatically number every person in your tree for quick reference.
* Timelines – View more events that occurred during your ancestors’ lives. Even edit, delete or add your own historical events.
* Supports importing from Personal Ancestry File, The Master Genealogist, and Legacy Family Tree
* Source tools handle both documenting and reliability rating
* Interactive mapping
* Photo/multimedia and file management features
* Tools to merge duplicate individuals, calculate dates
* Built-in to-do lists
Features if you have an Ancestry.com Subscription:
* Search Ancestry.com SubscriptionAncestry.com from within Family Tree Maker
* Integrates Ancestry Hints to suggest records that may relate to entries in your family tree
* Import/Download and Upload/Export your family tree and attached photos to and from Ancestry.com
iPhone integration:
* Ancestry.com Tree-to-Go (MobileGenealogy.com)- An iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch front-end for Ancestry.com. At this time there is no word on whether it will sync directly with Family Tree Maker 2011 or will still act as a stand-alone application that’s a front-end for Ancestry.com.
Related software:
* Family Tree Maker 2010 for Mac (MacGenealogy.org) – Mac OS X version
Related books:
* Beyond the Basics: A Guide for Advanced Users of Family Tree Maker 2011 (Amazon) in paperback format, by Tana Pederson. From Ancestry.com Publishing. Available October 28, 2010. # ISBN-10: 1593313357 # ISBN-13: 978-1593313357