Homepage – www.frontiernet.net/~rjacob/gedpage.htm
Publisher’s Description: The premiere gedcom to html webpage builder, has been used to create thousands of web sites, and millions of pages from all corners of the globe. The output is formatted as Family Group Sheets which are very easy to read, and familiar to genealogists. Gedpage has many options to give your pages a custom look.
Requirements: Windows 3.1, Windows 95+, MacOS (Unsure of Mac requirements)
Cost: $10
Features (According to Publisher)
* Uses Family Group Sheet format (familiar and easy to read).
* Optional Pedigree Charts, for selected individuals, or for everyone, fully linked into Family Group Sheet pages!
* Optionally includes photos if they are supported in your gedcom file.
* Uses less of your limited internet account disk space than most other converters. Almost half as much as GED2HTML!
* Fully linked, easy to traverse tree.
* User definable colors, and background.
* Allows link to your homepage.
* Supports Gendex.
* Optional notes, sources, and soundex codes.
* Allows you to modify text, even to another language.
* Automatically attach headers and footers.
Gedpage 2.20 for Win 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP
Gedpage 2.20 for Win 3.1
Gedpage 2.20 for Macintosh
Examples of usage
Family Group Sheet
Pedigree Charts
Version History/Last Updated
Version 2.20 – Unsure of release date.