This page last updated: March 20, 2007
The Master Genealogist (
Note: For information on Microsoft Windows Vista compatibility, please see this page. There is also an in-depth document put together by Jim Byram (beta tester for TMG) at
Publisher’s Description:
The Master Genealogist (or “TMG”) v6 is the gold standard in family history software. Used by novices and professional researchers alike, the latest version reinforces TMG’s reputation as the most powerful family history project manager on the market while adding many new features to make it easy and fun to use.
Current Version: 6.12 (November, 2006) See below for changes/updates.
Tips and Resources
Allen Mellen’s TMG Resource Page
A Norwegian Page (
TMG Tips (
Printing and Wall Charts (
Books and Videos
Videos and DVDs –
Book – Getting the Most out of The Master Genealogist
PDA Software (please see for more information)
GedStar PRO – PalmOS
Pocket Genealogist – Pocket PC/Windows Mobile
Utilities that work directly with The Master Genealogist
Second Site – publishing your data in HTML format.
GenSmarts – Research Tool
There is a UK Edition available
Reviews – Kimberly Powell – (TMG v5.0)
Cost: $34.00 – $79.95 (See pricing guide here
Contact Information
Tech support : Wholly Genes Forums or email
Wholly Genes Software
5144 Flowertuft Court
Columbia, Maryland 21044
410-379-5424 (fax)
Version History:
– Version 6.12 (November, 2006)
* Fixed an error which occurred when you clicked the [Research log] button on the Repository Definition screen.
* Fixed Copy Tag. Links to Research Tasks were not updated correctly.
* Fixed an error which occurred when you clicked the [Close] button on the Merge Two People – Split Display screen.
* Fixed an error which occurred filtering the List of Sources report for Repository… Abbreviation Contains (value).
* Fixed some issues importing GEDCOMs from the International Genealogical Index (IGI).
* Fixed several other obscure bugs, ‘how things work’ issues, and phrase/translation issues.
PDF output from TMG. The PDF printer driver has been updated to the current version 2.51. If you have the old “Wholly Genes PDF Writer” permanently installed, you will want to use File / Printer Setup to install the updated “Wholly Genes PDF Writer v2”.
You don’t need to uninstall the older driver (which is required for earlier verions of TMG) but can do so by opening the Windows Printer and Faxes folder, selecting the “Wholly Genes PDF Writer” printer driver, right-clicking and clicking Delete. However…
The original “Wholly genes PDF Writer” had an unexpected bonus. It can be used as a PDF printer driver by other applications and many TMG users have taken advantage of that. You can’t do that with the updated “Wholly Genes PDF Writer v2”. If you use the older driver as a Windows PDF printer, you might want to leave it in place and not uninstall it.
This free v6.12.000 update requires a previous installation of v6.00.000 or later. (Users with a prior version must first apply the update to v6.00.000). To download and apply the update, run TMG, access the Help menu and choose “Check for an update.” Alternatively, you can choose “Check for a Program Update” from the Windows Start menu > The Master Genealogist group. The update will be applied automatically. Upon restarting, the startup screen will reflect a version number of “v6.12.000.”