Microsoft Windows Vista (Amazon) compatibility and genealogy software.
If you have direct knowledge of any genealogy applications and Windows Vista, please contact us with your impressions, successes, and problems.
Note: Most genealogy software that runs on Windows XP will run under Windows Vista, at the very least as a “legacy application”.
Some good information can be found in an Adobe Acrobat document (PDF) that Jim Byram, a beta tester for The Master Genealogist, has put together and is keeping updated. While it applies to The Master Genealogist and Family Tree SuperTools, it can still prove useful if you run into any problems. You will find this document at:
Genealogy applications lightly tested by us (open, file, save):
* Genbox Family History 3.70
Genealogy applications updated for Vista (expect this list to grow substantially)
* Genbox Family History 3.70
Limitations – The Master Genealogist (see document above)
* Must be run as Administrator (see Jim Byram’s document above)
* Windows Vista x64 – Unable to print word processor reports
* Help file not supported by Vista. Workaround here (